We can ship cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, campers, and boats. We can also transport tractors, heavy machinery and non-running vehicles.
Shipping time do vary depending on a few different variables. Mileage, Route Difficulty, Weather, Seasons are examples of some of these variables. We try to deliver within 3 to 5 days, but we will give you a window of delivery during the quoting process so you can get a good idea.
Yes, from the time our driver loads your vehicle until the time it delivers.
Once your offer is accepted, the next step is to register on our website by using the registration form. This will confirm all of the details of your order, and provide us with necessary shipping and contact information. As soon as the registration details are verified and confirmed with the seller, we will send an invoice with the payment instructions and the transaction details. You must send the money to our Financial Department and email us the payment receipt. We will collect your payment and hold it until you receive and approve your purchase. That’s it! Just say the word and we’ll pay the seller.
Mellway Limited payment service can be used for transactions that begin in other venues, such as eBay, Mobile, AutoTrader, AutoScout24, Classifieds websites. A Mellway Limited transaction officially begins when an offer is accepted and the buyer has successfully registered and sent the payment as instructed in the Mellway Limited invoice. At this time, Mellway Limited can safely ship the vehicle to the buyer, since funds are verified, collected and placed in a secure account. Once the vehicle arrives, the buyer has up to 10-days to approve the transaction. The seller cannot be paid until the buyer approves, and the buyer cannot collect a refund unless the seller approves. Since neither the buyer nor seller can ever have both the money and the item at the same time, both parties are protected. Most transactions are approved and completed within 24 hours of delivery.
We accept Visa/Mastercard payments and Bank Transfers for all Mellway Limited transactions.
We usually start the shipping process in 24 or 36 hours from the payment confirmation and will deliver the item in maximum 5 working days.
Once you’ve decided to purchase a vehicle, the next step is to register on our website, using the registration form. This will confirm all of the details of your order and provide Mellway Limited with necessary shipping and contact information. As soon as the transaction is confirmed with the seller, we will send an invoice with the payment instructions and the transaction details. The shipping process is normally started within 24 hours from the payment confirmation and we will deliver the vehicle within 3 to 5 working days. Once it arrives, you’ll have up to 10-days to approve the sale so we can pay the seller.
We offer a 10 Day Money Back Guarantee that allows you to inspect the vehicle before the seller will have access to the payment. If by any chance the received vehicle is not exactly as described, we will send you a full refund and take the vehicle back. The seller will be responsible for the shipping fees.
Clean your vehicle both inside and out, and take a picture of it. All personal belongings are prohibited, except factory hardware, and Remove and protect the loose parts of the vehicle. A vehicle may have a one-fourth (1/4) tank of fuel. Your vehicle must be operable and Make sure the auto transporter has your keys. Check the Battery, electrics and Tires. Disable alarms and anti-theft devices.